Well, it has taken me a small delay to give feedback, because the stylus is for my old JVC deck, coupled with a Rega amp, in my hoiliday home in Normandy. Today I fitted the stylus to the Integra XLM11 head and fired it up, starting with an old Spyro Gyra album.
The result was startling, with excellent definition and separation. It has given new life to my collection of albums from ‘70s and ‘80s.
Your service is superb and and your delivery arrived in good time, well protected. Impressed that the logistics worked so smoothly. I guess you understand well the export & reporting process.
I will be ordering another stylus as a back-up - then they will outlast me and continue to provide a more refined sound than streaming quality.
My thanks to your business and for your service ,
Martyn… a happy customer!