Replacement for Pfanstiehl 621-D7 621D7 needle stylus
The Pfanstiehl 621-D7 621D7 needle stylus is used as a stylus replacement for the products listed below.
Audio Technica AT-5, AT-6
Columbia Denon DSN-10, DSN-11, DSN-12, DSN-13, DSN-18
Denon PU13401, PU1344
Hitachi DP-K11, DS-ST3, HN-SP2, MFS170
JVC DT-16, DT-21H, HMD-1009, MD-1004
Kenwood N-6, N6-AT, V-6
Onkyo DN-5, DN-5ST, DN-13ST, OC-13M, OC-151M
Pioneer PLC6, PLC7, PLC8, PLN-6, PLN-7, PLN-8
Sansui ST-6D
Sanyo MG-3, ST-12D
Sharp C-910, C-91D, N-05, N-05D, N-06
Sony ND113,P ND121P
Toshiba N-4C, N-4D
Victor D7-16, HJ
Yamaha CG3000, N-3000
The Pfanstiehl 621-D7 621D7 stylus is designed to be fitted to the original cartridge. Please verify and use this as a guide only since the cartridge and stylus may have been changed through the years.
If the stylus above differs from what you have, then it means you no longer have the fitted cartridge. For us to assist you further, we need the cartridge brand and model number. This info is usually inscribed on the cartridge and stylus.