Audio-Technica ATN-15 ATN15 stylus
- Currently unavailable. We don't know if this item will again be back in stock. For alternative stylus replacements, refer to Related Products below.
The Audio-Technica ATN-15 ATN15 needle stylus features a nude Shibata diamond mounted on a tapered aluminum alloy cantilever. The Audio-Technica ATN-15 ATN15 needle stylus is no longer available from Audio-Technica, but we have a few units available for those committed to the exquisite sound of the Audio-Technica AT15S, AT15SS and AT15Sa phono cartridges. The stylus is made in Japan by Audio-Technica.
Audio-Technica Stylus Specifications
- Generating element: Dual moving magnet
- Frequency response: 5Hz-45kHz
- Output voltage @ 1kHz,5cm/sec: 2.7mV
- Channel separation @ 1kHz/10kHz: 30/23dB
- Channel balance: 0.75dB
- Stylus shape: Shibata
- Stylus construction: Nude
- Cantilever: Tapered
- Tracking force: 0.75-1.75 g